PMO as a SERVICE +7 925 502 3194
Project, Programme and Portfolilo Management in ICT, Construction and Engineering
Portfolio Management is about selecting the right mix of projects and making sure the joined re turn on investment is maximised.
Efficient Portfolio management process can be quite different depending on the nature of the business, market environment, company size, projects complexity, maturity and many more factors.
Leveraging our experience across industries, we help our customers set up and improve portfolio planning, balancing and monitoring so that benefits can be maximised with minimum process overhead.
This normally includes establishing or revising governance model and process framework, decision-making forums as well as setting up a PPM information system that provide for:
  • Business case development and project selection;
  • Project prioritisation;
  • Portfolio balancing;
  • Project delivery and benefits realisation monitoring;
  • Portfolio Risk Management
  • Portfolio performance KPIs and evaluation
Get your Portfolio Management right
A multi-million anchor project or a portfolio of small and typical jobs – certain things must be ensured so that projects deliver value for customers and shareholders.
Project management methodology (or process), formal or informal, exists by definition in every company delivering projects. The key question is — is it a managed and efficient one, or not?

p.m.Office helps companies set up and fine-tune project management process components regardless of size or compleity of your project portfolio.
Make sure all of your projects deliver benefits
We make sure that as many of your projects succeed as possible by implementing tools and processes ensuring that all projects;
Are planned with a level of detail appropriate for their size and complexity including resourcing, programme, procurement, budget, risk management and other
Have robust and approved business cases or sales proposals before they start
Have ongoing risk management activities
Have effective communications, decision-making and change management processes in action
Are monitored for performance and quality of deliverables
Are properly reviewed and closed when completed or determined unbeneficial
Implementing a project managment methodology and information system does not need to be a Big Bang change or big lump-sum spend for your company.
Certain minimum or rules must be put in place but in most cases transition to a higher level or maturity can be smoothed by using the PMO-as-a-Service framework. Check out here how such transition may work.